Prayer for the Intercession Lord, Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, by pouring the grace of Your Blessing into the bodies of the sick, You watch with all-embracing care over Your creatures. Be present in Your kindness as we call upon Your Holy Name. By the intercession of Your faithful servant, Ignatius Pin-Mei, who bore witness to You and to Your Vicar on earth, the successor of Blessed Peter the Apostle, during long years of patient suffering at the hands of the communist Chinese government, we ask that You would free Your servant (name) from all sickness, restore (name) to full health by Your right hand, strengthen (name) by Your power, protect (name) by Your might, and give (name) back to Your Holy Church, with all that is needed for his (her) welfare, through Christ our Lord. Amen. And may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain forever. Amen. Imprimatur: His Eminence Paul Cardinal Shan, S.J., Archbishop of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. June 2000 呼求 龔品梅 (天爵) 依納爵樞機主教 主,聖父,全能永生的天主,傾流恩澤福佑,灌注病人身體,覆蓋照臨,眷顧所造萬物。我今呼禱你的聖名,求你仁慈光臨,俯聽我禱。 伏念你的忠僕依納爵,甘受當今中國教難,歷經數十歲月,專為宣證信德,捍衛聖教,保衛聖座,天主在世的代表,伯多祿宗徒繼承人,光榮主名;為此忍受痛苦,恒心勇毅,終身不懈,故願仰賴依納爵的轉達,求你垂憐眼下的病人(某某),用你的仁慈,解救他的疾病。用你的右手,恢復他的健康。用你的權能,增強他的力量。用你的威力,保護他的安全。賞賜他幸福所需的一切恩寵,歸來重與教會內的眾友團聚。因吾主基督,亞孟。 求全能天主,聖父、聖子、聖神,降福你,永不離開你,亞孟。 中國上海教區主教若瑟 范忠良 准2002年4月21日 呼求龚品梅(天爵)依纳爵枢机主教 主,圣父,全能永生的天主,转炉倾流量恩泽福佑,灌注病人身体,覆盖照临,眷顾所造万物我今呼祷你的圣名,求你仁慈光临,俯听我祷。 伏念你的忠仆依纳爵,甘受当今中国教难,历经数十岁月,专为宣证信德,捍卫圣教,保卫圣座,天主在世的代表,伯多禄宗徒继承人,光荣主名;为此忍受痛苦,恒心勇毅,终身不懈,故愿仰赖依纳爵的转达, 求你垂怜眼下的病人(某某),用你的仁慈,解救他的疾病。用你的右手,恢复他的健康。用你的权能,增强他的力量,用你的威力,保护他的安全。赏赐他幸福所需的一切恩宠,归来重相关的例句教会内的众友团聚。因吾主基督,亚孟。 求全能天主圣父,圣子,圣神,降福你,永不离开技术支持你,亚孟。 中国上海教区主教若瑟范忠良准2002年年4月21日 |
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